
Dzień Kobiet i Reisefieber

Dzień Kobiet, taa... 
Mam znowu zaległości w spaniu. Pomimo zmęczenia mój umysł pracuje na szalonych obrotach, co skutkuje napisaniem poniższego dialogu. Tym razem rozum nie jest personifikowany, to moje własne myśli. O dziwo, potrafię je wyrażać po angielsku...

Part I: October 2015

Heart: look! Cheap flights to Brazil! Let's go there!
Mind: wait... What Brazil?
H: Brazil, the biggest country in the South America, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Amazon...
M: you don't need to explain me where Brazil is, who's the Mind, me or you? I'm asking you why do you want to go there?
H: you know, it's another continent, I wanted to visit another continent this year, before my 30. birthday...
M: first: you aren't 30 this year, but 29, and second: Brazil it's a big country, as big as the Europe. Where do you want to go exactly? Do you have any place to sleep? Any person to care about you?
H: yes, I've got one friend from Brazil, he's pathfinder, I didn't ask him, but I hope...
M: ok, the main question: do you have money for that?
H: no, but I can use my savings...
M: forget about that. I know how big are your savings. Don't ask me more. I've finished.
H: :(

Part II: January 2016
H: hey, Mind, cheap flights to...
M: Brazil? What have I told you? Do you have money for that?
H: yes, look...
M: but you will fly to Israel in March, did you pay for the tickets to Marek?
H: no, not yet...
M: so, pay for these tickets and enjoy Israel. Is it Asia or not? You wanted to visit another continent, huh?
H: yes, but...
M: girl, think realistic and tell me the facts.
H: ok, there's a camporee in East Brazil, Bahia in June. It's a little complicated to get there, but I would like to go. I would like to see the church, pathfinders and these amazing nature.
M: did you ask your friend from Brazil to help you?
H: no, not yet. He's busy, he's studying to his exams. I'll ask him when he'll be over with that.
M: ok, when you'll ask him, let me know. I'm going to sleep.

Part III: March 2016
H: Mind, wake up!!! So cheap like never before!!! I must buy these tickets!!!
M: I see you're stubborn...
H: no, Mind, you won't stop me know. I've got money, it's really special price and I can choose any date. I'll buy these tickets this evening.
M: let me see... Turkish Airlines, Rome, Istambul, São Paulo, Vilnus... There's a flight to Rome one day before and from Vilnus you can go back by bus... For only 210 euro for return ticket... Hum, it seems to be real... Complicated, but not impossible...
H: told you?  so, which date should I choose?
M: easy, girl... First talk with your Brazilian friend, what's his name? Fellipe? Diego? Alvaro?
H: don't pretend you don't remember
M: yes, yes, the pathfinder, PLA, badges, scarves, English, Portuguese... I get crazy of these all informations you let me remember. I'm not a computer
H: good, I'll ask him.

(A few hours later)
M: and? What did he say?
H: He doesn't know if he will be on this camporee and in Brazil at all... He can't help me :(
M: I'm sorry... I told you: don't have got your mind set on this... It's a big journey and you don't know nobody there... You need to plan it with all details, not just buy the tickets spontaneously... Dream realistic, it's the motto for this year  just leave it now. Maybe next year it will happen...
H: sometimes I hate you  you've always right... All must be safe, legal and real... No place for crazy ideas...
M: you would die without me. Stop complaining and worrying and enjoy the moment.
H: well, I'll try...


Pozostał jeden dzień do wylotu do Izraela. Marek wysyła nowe zadania: przygotować informacje o jednym mieście i snuje śmiałe plany nauczenia się arabskiego alfabetu w samolocie. Rzeczywistość jest taka, że wracam po całym dniu z pracy i reszta wieczoru schodzi na pakowaniu i przyrządzaniu posiłku na podróż. Jutro cały dzień w drodze. Mam nastawiony budzik na 6.40, żeby zdążyć na zarezerwowany przejazd z blabla do Łodzi o 8.30. Próbowałam zarezerwować przejazd jeszcze dla Pauliny, ale niestety się nie udało, ktoś już zdążył kliknąć w rezerwację. W Łodzi mam się udać do Marka i ruszamy o 11.30 do Katowic, żeby zdążyć na samolot. Wylot o 15.45. Dużo czasu, ale trzeba być przygotowanym na najróżniejsze sytuacje na drodze, więc zostawiam sobie zapas czasu na dojazd.
Niby do WizzAir bagaż jest mniejszy, ale to prawdziwe wyzwanie, żeby zapakować najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy na 5 dni tak, aby wszystko się zmieściło. I tak jeszcze będę się przepakowywać, ale muszę to jakoś upchnąć. Kładę się spać o 23.30. Mało tego spania ostatnio, ale może odeśpię w samolocie. 
